How to Clean Green

How to Clean Green

Many household cleaners are poisonous, carcinogenic (meaning they cause cancer), flammable, or contribute to poor indoor air quality and asthma. The product labels contain these warnings, but far too often the warnings are overlooked. You can green clean most things in your home with baking soda, vinegar, or plain old soap and water.

Things You'll Need:




Baking Soda


Green clean with vinegar. Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and keep it in your kitchen and bathrooms. Vinegar works well to clean mold, hard water spots, soap scum, and rust stains. I use vinegar frequently to green clean the bathroom and kitchen sinks. Vinegar works to clean alkaline substances because it is acidic. It has a strong smell, but the smell will subside and the fumes are natural and non-toxic. You can drink vinegar and it will not harm you, unlike the toxic cleaner most people use in their bathroom.


Green clean with baking soda. Baking soda is alkaline and works to clean greasy areas. It is slightly abrasive so it works well in the bathtub, or when scrubbing hard surfaces. You will not have to worry about your kids assisting with the scrubbing, because baking soda is also green and non-toxic!


Green clean with soap and water. You can sanitize most surfaces with soap and water. There is really no need to purchase expensive, toxic cleaners with "Caution," or "Hazardous," warnings on the label. The next time you mop your kitchen floor mop green with soap and water? You will breath easier.


Green clean everything else. There will be times that you need to purchase cleaners, such as automatic dishwashing detergent or carpet cleaner. Commercial green cleaners have become widely available including Seventh Generation, Planet and Ecover. All of these are completely bio-degradable so they will not pollute the environment. Also, green cleaners are formulated with essential oils rather than synthetic fragrances, so they will not contribute to poor indoor air quality. These green brands can be found online, or at your local health food store. My neighborhood grocery store also carries green brands.

Tips & Warnings

If you would like more information on toxic products in daily living, check out the Human Toxome Project. It is also known as "Pollution in People." There is a link below in the Resource section.

How to Clean and Wash out Acne

How to Clean and Wash out Acne

Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder of the face, back, and chest. Although it is usually associated with hormone during puberty, it can also affect many adults. Whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples, result from an overgrowth of bacteria in oil-clogged pores. Keeping the skin clean is very important in helping to control acne, as taking vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements, as wells as healthy eating and exercise habits, can be very beneficial.

Things You'll Need:

Vitamin Supplement




Eating Healthy

Apple Cider Vinegar or Plain Vinegar

Cotton Balls


Tea Tree Oil


ASTRINGENT MIXTURE = Half apple cider vinegar and half cool water. You can also freeze this solution into ice cubes and use it as a cooling facial treatment on a hot summer day.


OVERNIGHT PASTE = Honey, wheat flour, and vinegar, use it to lightly cover a new outbreak of pimples overnight, rinse off in the morning. This should accelerate the healing process.


ACNE TREATMENT = Use a clean travel size bottle to mix 1 part vinegar and 10 parts water. Clean your face as usual in the morning, then carry this bottle and a few cotton balls with you so you can dab acne spots several times during the day. This solution shouldn't dry out your skin, and the vinegar will help return your skin to a natural pH balance. This treatment may also help prevent future acne outbreaks. Discontinue use if irritation worsens.


SIMPLE ANYTIME TREATMENT = Apply 1-2 drops of Tea Tree Oil on your acne pimples or acne area, anytime of day or night. You can leave it on for as long as possible. Tea Tree Oil is an herbal anesthetic oil, works wonders on any part of the skin, except in the eyes.


Doing Aerobic exercise daily will help sweat the acne away.
Try a Detoxification.
Drink 6 - 8 glasses of filtered water daily.
Eat more raw vegetables.
Eat yogurt with live cultures.

Tips & Warnings

Discontinue use any of the treatments if irritation worsens.

Do not squeeze or pick at the pimples, this makes them worse and may cause scarring.

How to Clean a Toilet With Alka Seltzer

How to Clean a Toilet With Alka Seltzer

Keeping your toilet clean is made simpler with the effervescence of the acid-reducing medicine called Alka Seltzer. It provides a safe way to clean your toilet without the harsh use of chemicals and household cleaning agents. The Alka Seltzer tablets, usually used to reduce stomach acid, will leave a sparkling toilet bowl behind for you and others to use.

Things You'll Need:

10 Alka Seltzer tablets

Measuring cup


Two cups of warm water

Toilet brush


Remove 8 Alka Seltzer tablets and from the package and the package wrapper.


Fill a measuring cup with 2 cups of tap water.


Microwave the water on high for 3 minutes or until the water is very warm but not boiling. Remove the measuring cup from the microwave.


Add all of the tablets to the warm water and wait 15 minutes or until the tablets are completely dissolved.


Stop the temporary flow of water to your toilet by lifting up the float lever that is inside of the toilet tank. This will allow the valve to shut and not allow water to fill up in the bowl.


Flush the toilet so that all of the excess water is out of the bottom of the toilet.


Dump in the Alka Seltzer water to the empty toilet tank. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes.


Brush the bottom and the inside of the toilet bowl gently with the toilet bowl brush.


Lift the back of the toilet lid up and drop two dry Alka Seltzer tablets into the bottom of the tank. This will automatically keep the tank clean for the next few flushes.


Release the float and allow the valve to open and the toilet to fill up with water. Flush the toilet.

Tips & Warnings

Perform this cleaning task when no one will be using the toilet for a few hours.

If your toilet has severe rust, lime or grime stains, you may use up to double the amount of Alka Seltzer tablets.

If staining continues, repeat the process but allow the Alka Seltzer solution to sit for an extra 30 minutes.

You may substitute off-brand effervescent tablets if desired.

Do not heat the water in the microwave with the Alka Seltzer tablets in it; this could cause damage to the microwave.

Do not digest the tablets that are being used for cleaning.

How to Clean a Colon With Home Remedies

How to Clean a Colon With Home Remedies

A clean colon is essential to good health. When your colon is filled with excess waste and toxins, you can't feel your best. Toxins from the colon can absorb through the intestinal wall into the rest of your body, causing you to feel sick and run down. Eventually, this leaking of toxins can lead to a host of other health problems. Unfortunately, constipation is a big problem in society today, since many people eat processed foods that are low in fiber and high in fat. However, it is fairly easy to clean a colon with home remedies.

Things You'll Need:

Fiber supplement

Volcanic ash

Rubber ball syringe


Psyllium husks

Herbal laxative tea


Start with fiber. Taking a fiber supplement twice a day will encourage extra bowel movements and is a gentle way to continually clean your colon.


Clean up toxins as well as waste with volcanic ash. Volcanic ash can be purchased at most health food stores in a liquid preparation and soaks up toxins in the colon. It pushes out excess waste along with the toxins for an exceptionally clean bowel.


Give yourself a coffee enema. Prepare 1 cup of strong coffee. The coffee should be plain, with no added flavors, and preferably organic. Let the coffee cool, then place the coffee in a rubber ball syringe. Squirt the coffee into your anus with the syringe, let it sit for 2 to 3 minutes, then push it out. The caffeine in the coffee will cause your colon muscles to contract, which will push out whatever is in there.


Use psyllium husk. This indigestible fiber binds up excess waste in your colon and moves it out rather quickly. You can put psyllium husk in smoothies or use it in baking. Use 2 tsps. at a time to start. If this doesn't work for you, keep increasing your dose by 1 tsp. each time you use it until you get results.


Drink a laxative tea made from herbs. There are several brands of herbal laxative teas on the market to choose from, depending on your personal tastes. These provide a gentle cleanse that is excellent for times when you want a little extra help moving your bowels but don't want to do an intensive, explosive cleaning.

Tips & Warnings

Don't overdo it on the home remedies. Too much fiber, psyllium husks or laxative tea can actually make you sick by dehydrating you through the loss of fluids in the waste you eliminate. Start slowly with small amounts, and keep gradually increasing until you are eliminating at a generous, but healthy, level.

How to Choose When to Use Moxibustion

How to Choose When to Use Moxibustion

Moxibustion is an alternative Chinese medicine that can be used in many applications and is becoming more well-known in the United States. Another common name of the treatment is Acumoxa, because it uses acupoints on the body.


Learn about Moxibustion. It applies heat from a burning bundle of tightly wound herbs, known as moxa, to targeted acupoints on the body. It is often used along with acupuncture. This technique is based on the Chinese belief that stimulating the body's acupoints allows the body to heal itself.


Familiarize yourself with the herbs. Moxa is created by drying leaves from the mugwort or wormwood plants. The leaves are then formed into a cone, by rolling them into a cigar shape.


Study the two styles of moxibustion. You can use indirect or direct moxibustion. Direct moxibustion places the cone directly on the skin, which often causes scarring and intense pain. This method is not used in the United States. Indirect moxibustion places the cone over an acupuncture needle and burns the cone or uses an electrical source to heat the needle.


Be aware of the dangers of Moxibustion. Aside from the obvious danger of burning the skin, the oils in the wormwood can be toxic if internally ingested.

Tips & Warnings

Never use this treatment in lieu of medical treatments.

How to Get an Ionization Treatment

How to Get an Ionization Treatment

An ion cleanse, or ionization treatment, is an alternative treatment to remove waste built up in the body due to years of improper eating and exposure to a toxic environment. An ion cleanse leaves you feeling lighter and more energetic.


Find a local ion cleanse facility by calling local massage therapists, chiropractors and alternative medical providers to see if they do the treatment.


Wash your feet and wear clean socks before going for a treatment. An ion cleanse is done by placing your feet in specially treated water connected to a ionization system that will pull out the positive ions and replace them with negative ions.


Take along reading material. The treatment lasts about 1/2 hour. The reading material will help the time fly by.


Take off all watches, cellphone earpieces and other metal jewelry before arriving. You will have to take them off during the ion cleanse, and there's a chance you could forget them. Leave them at home where you can always find them later.


Go with a friend. Conversation is a great way to pass the time and having a friend along will allow the 2 of you to compare the sludge that comes out of your body and into the water. That is half the fun.


Drink a mineral and vitamin replacement drink. Most ionization therapists will have one for you, but just in case they don't, it's a good idea to bring one along.


Schedule your next appointment. A full ion cleanse usually requires several sessions.

Tips & Warnings

If your body is in a depleted state, let the ionization therapist know.

How to Get Allergy Relief with Herbs

How to Get Allergy Relief with Herbs

Stinging nettle is by far my favorite herb for allergies. But, there are plenty of herbs out there that will work. Since everyone is different, you may not have the same positive reaction to stinging nettle that I do.

There are so many herbs and supplements that you can choose from that can all help. The goal is to find the herb that works the best for your needs.

Choose from the following herbs:

Stinging nettle
Green tea
White tea
Cayenne pepper

Choose one herb at a time to work with so you can test how it works. I also take extra Vitamin C, quercetin (note that garlic has quercetin) and grapeseed extract if my allergies are really bad.

My favorite way of taking any of the herbs listed above is with a tea. So the instructions for making a tea with the herbs are listed below. But, you can also take a pill. Just follow the instructions on the bottle.

Things You'll Need:

1 Tsp. of one of the herbs listed at the top.

1 Cup boiling water

A mug

strainer if using loose herb


Place the loose herb in a tea strainer or drop tea bag into the mug.


Pour boiling water into the mug.


Let steep for at least 10 minutes. If using stinging nettle, steep for around thirty minutes.


Remove tea strainer or tea bag. Sweeten and enjoy.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure the herbs you choose are high quality and are not filled with dirt or discolored.

Research the herb you choose in greater detail so you understand.

Make sure you let your doctor know about any of the herbs you are taking.

How to Find Yourself

How to Find Yourself

In today's hectic world, people often experience a sense of losing one's self. But, it is possible to rediscover yourself. Finding yourself is about nurturing a connection to the person you want to be. If you feel lost or detached, the following steps will help you find yourself.


Learn to put your needs first. This can be difficult, especially if you have a spouse and
. Obviously you can't complete forget about your family's needs; however, you can put aside some time for yourself everyday.


Take a break. Schedule some quiet time to be alone with yourself. Put away thoughts about work, family obligations and all the other stress in your life. Focus on you. Think about what you'd do with your life if there were no obstacles. Decide how you would spend your time if money wasn't an issue.


Imagine what you'd like others to say about you once you're gone. Think about the words you'd want them to use when describing you. These words say a lot about the type of person you want to be.


Remember times throughout your life when you were happiest. Think about what you were doing and who you were with. Identify what about those experiences made you so happy and satisfied.


Use a journal to record your answers to these questions and any other relevant thoughts. Keep journaling on a regular basis. Go back and review the discoveries you have about yourself. Over time, you'll start to understand what makes you happy and what type of person you want to be. Then, you can go out and be that person.

How to Find Your Super Powers

How to Find Your Super Powers

Magicians, monsters, video game characters and yogis all have miraculous super powers. Men and women today who want success in their lives, families, careers, paying mortgages on homes, keeping their weight down, doing their taxes, are in need of super powers as much as the next spiderman or wonder woman. A few tips may help you tap into those powers.


Find a form of meditation that works well with your personality. Experiment with biofeedback and theta levels of deep meditation.


Use positive affirmations. This can help ingrain in you positive ideas about your potential and what you can do in life.


Exercise. Take a class in Tai Chi or yoga. Work on your agility and flexibility. Go to the gym. Doing this regularly can improve self-image and give you new ideas about your physical capacities.


Eat really well. Maybe fast or only eat raw vegetables for a day. Avoid foods that you know are not good for you whether it is sugar, dairy products, coffee, alcohol or junk food. Try cutting these things out for a day or a week and see what kind of a difference it makes.


Stand up for yourself, for those you love and for underdogs who need someone to stand up for them. It may give you a new sense of purpose, strength, identity and draw you closer to those super powers.


Get inspired. Read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill or another classic that makes you feel empowered.


Sit back and watch things happen. Stay poised and alert and maintain your good habits. Add new ones to these you are already doing as you discover and need them. You may discover super powers you never knew you had; and who knows, you may become the master of your universe.

How to Find Stress Relief During the Holidays

How to Find Stress Relief During the Holidays

Too much comes at you during the holidays. Your body reacts by switching into high gear and increasing your heart rate and adrenaline to meet the increased demands. This is stress. Left untreated, stress assaults emotional health as well, leaving you exhausted and unable to function. Managing stress means getting your body systems back in balance by following these stress relief techniques.


Breathe deeply and with awareness. When you feel stress, you take frequent shallow breaths, limiting oxygen and causing more stress. When muscles tense up, find relief with a few minutes of deep breathing techniques. Breathe in slowly through your nose, and then release the breath through your mouth.


Imagine a scene that brings you peace. One form of meditation, guided imagery, uses the imagination to focus on a peaceful setting. By doing so, tension melts away. If you're too busy to sit, try a walking meditation by concentrating on each step you take while breathing deeply.


Release tension and gain feel-good endorphins with exercise. If finding time to sweat seems impossible, look into gentle mind-body exercises like yoga or Tai Chi. Yoga balances the body systems with a series of postures and breathing techniques. Tai Chi employs a series of body movements that calm the mind.


Soothe your mind by listening to relaxing music. After the clutter of holiday music, your ears appreciate relaxing music like classical or new age. Alternatively, find relief by listening to nature sounds like the waves of an ocean.


Smell scents to calm you. Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils to release a physical response.
oil often keeps stress hormones at bay.


Rub the tension out with massage. Stress often makes itself known through muscle tension. When massage vanquishes tension, stress vanishes. Acupressure works the same way, but concentrates on pressure points in the body.


Manage your time. Everyone possesses the same amount of time, but when you feel stress, it's often because you think you don't have enough time. Look at your schedule and prioritize what you want to accomplish that day. Give high priority items an "A" and concentrate on them. If you still have time, move to important "B" items that are not a high priority.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid caffeine and sugar. Too much of either eventually sends you crashing and feeling worse than before.

How to Pick a Turquoise Birthstone

How to Pick a Turquoise Birthstone

Turquoise has experienced many popularity surges over the past century. As it continues to be mined from existing sources, its cost has climbed, creating a market for synthetic turquoise by inexperienced buyers. Real turquoise has a color, luster and veining that can't be duplicated with plastics or reconstituted stone. Discover the wide range of turquoise types that vary by location of origin so you can pick a turquoise birthstone of quality and value.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer


Documentation of authenticity

View Turquoise by Mine


Examine a turquoise birthstone from Kingman Mine. Stones from this mine are labeled "high blue," which is an intense greenish-blue color veined with brown or copper streaks, and is the preferred industry standard for turquoise.


View Bisbee and Morenci Mines turquoise for their unique properties. Most Bisbee stones are a darker blue than Kingman and very heavily veined in an almost polka-dot pattern. Morenci stones usually contain a pure-black matrix that may take on a silver cast when polished.


Browse Castle Dome and Sleeping
Mines turquoise. Both are clear blue with no matrix, but Castle Dome gems are very chunky and textured, while Sleeping Beauty stones are flat and smooth.


Compare domestic turquoise with samples mined in Iran, China or other areas to determine your personal likes and dislikes.

Pick Turquoise to Suit Your Purpose


Pick a turquoise birthstone in its naturally mined state or set as jewelry, watchbands, belt buckles or other accessories.


Choose turquoise in bead or stone form, alone or set with other polished minerals, such as coral and mother-of-pearl.


Pick the birthstone with the source, finish and setting that most appeal to you.

Tips & Warnings

Turquoise is the birthstone for December, along with alternate "blue" gems topaz and tanzanite.

Turquoise is the official celebratory gemstone for the eleventh wedding anniversary.

In color and texture, turquoise types are location specific.

A turquoise birthstone is never faceted, but may be polished and ground or left in its natural state.

A "matrix" is the natural darker veining within the blue stone.

Beware of fakes! Authentic turquoise should be bluish-green or greenish-brown and opaque, never transparent.

Be sure your dealer offers a secure return policy.

Lots of synthetic jewelry looks similar to turquoise. Only a jeweler knowledgeable in the unique qualifications of turquoise can give you an assessment of authenticity and correct market value. Have an expensive purchase appraised by a third party.

Turquoise is more porous than other hard gemstones, such as amethyst or topaz, and is prone to damage from bumps or scrapes. Take special care in wearing or storing it.

How to Pick a Trench Coat

How to Pick a Trench Coat

A trench coat is a great, classic piece that never goes out of style. When you slip it on, it can instantly make you look very polished and professional (even if you have casual clothes hidden underneath). Pick a trench coat that you love and plan to wear it everywhere for years to come.

Things You'll Need:

Trench coat

Matching belt or tie

Dress pants





Pants suit


Invest in a high-quality trench coat that you can wear year-round. Look for one that is well-made with a zip out lining and nice finishing at the cuffs, hem and seams. Also consider a detachable hood if you might want to wear this in the rain and/or snow.


Select a trench coat that has classic lines. Look for a tailored cut that has a slight A-line shape.


Try on trench coats in different fabrics to see what you like best. You may prefer a smooth, flat weave or a shinier, silky finish.


Determine what length suits you best. You may like a more casual style that hits above your knee, or a dressier choice that goes to mid-calf or longer.


Find a color that will work with your wardrobe. Consider a black, navy, camel or dark green for a neutral choice that will look good with lots of things. Or go for a statement trench coat in red, bright pink or even a leopard print.


Plan to wear your trench coat with casual wear, such as jeans and a sweater, and also with your work wear, including slacks, a wrap dress, a skirt or a pants suit.


Cinch in the waist of a trench coat by tying the belt or sash in the back. This gives instant definition to your waist and can make you look thinner.

Tips & Warnings

Consider buying a few trench coats in different colors, weights and lengths.

Make sure the trench coat is big enough to fit over a sweater or light blazer.

Have the sleeves on a trench tailored to fit, if needed.

Avoid a trench coat that is too big or doesn't hang well on your body. This can make you look sloppy instead of polished.

Stay away from coats with too many details on the shoulders or chest that can overwhelm your frame if you are petite.

How to Pick a Topaz Birthstone

How to Pick a Topaz Birthstone

The topaz is aluminum fluorosilicate that crystallizes clear in its pure form, as well as in a variety of colors. While deep blue is the most popular shade with buyers, yellow topaz is the birthstone for November. An alternate eleventh-month birthstone is citrine, a similarly amber-hued gemstone that comes from the quartz family and has less value than topaz. You may need a jeweler's appraisal to tell the two apart.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer

Synthetic and natural light


Documentation of authenticity

View Topaz Birthstones


Browse loose yellow topaz stones to get an idea of the range of color and clarity that is available.


Pick a color that interests you and compare it to other similar stones. Look for the one that shows the truest medium color evenly throughout the stone, as opposed to those pieces with random spots of light and dark.


Examine the topaz for inclusions with the help of a jeweler's magnifier. Visible inclusions are a mark against that particular stone.


Pick a topaz that is not too deep or too shallow. The gemstone should dance with reflected light.

Authenticate Your Topaz Purchase


Ask your dealer to provide documentation that the birthstone you pick is a genuine topaz, or fluorosilicate of aluminum, and not a citrine or other stone.


Ask the dealer whether the stone is natural or has been altered to enhance color or fill inclusions. Pick only natural stones for the most value.


Find out where the stone was mined and request documentation of that as well.


Discuss any color stability issues. Pass on a stone that requires special care to preserve its golden color.


Be sure you are dealing with a legitimate gem seller. Consult an organization, such as the consumer advocate American Gem Society, which has a database of dealers (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

"Inclusions" are natural fissures in gemstones that may add character, but detract from color richness or brilliance. Inclusions are less desirable in topazes than in other gemstones.

Yellow topaz ranges from brownish-yellow to yellow-orange and pinkish-orange.

Join a local mineral and gem club or visit a gemstone convention when one comes to your area. These are great places to browse and learn more about gemstones in general and topazes in particular. You can also get a good idea of your personal preferences.

Some yellow topaz mined in Utah has an unstable center that fades rapidly when exposed to sunlight. It's important to get the stone's history from your dealer.

How to Pick a Swimsuit Online

How to Pick a Swimsuit Online

Trying on swimsuits in a store dressing room isn't much fun, especially at the beginning of


season when you're as white as a ghost. So, try this great technique for swimsuit shopping and let the store come to you.


Choose stores that have online shopping and a great return policy.


Find a good guide to buying a swimsuit. Some store websites have suggested fits for different body types.


Decide what colors and styles best fit your body and begin to look through the selections.


Purchase several different swimsuits that you would like to try on from at least five different online stores.


Wait until each package comes in the mail.


Take all the swimsuits you've chosen into your room and begin your own swimsuit fashion show. Ask a friend or spouse to give you an honest opinion as you go. Don't do this alone because you might not give yourself a true answer.


Decide which one or two swim suits you like the best and return the rest. Some catalogue only stores now offer in-store returns. For example, Land's End accepts returns at all Sears stores.

Tips & Warnings

Keep underwear on while trying on swimsuits. Take care not to remove the panel in the crotch.

Be honest about what you look good in. Make sure you buy enough of a swim suit to cover yourself and still be flattering.

Double check all the stores' return policies before making any purchases. You don't want 50 swim suits you can't wear, don't like and can't return.

How to Pick a Silk Blouse

How to Pick a Silk Blouse

If you want to expand your wardrobe, consider adding a nice silk blouse. This can be a versatile item that isn't likely to ever go out of style. Here are some tips to help you pick a silk blouse that will work with your taste and lifestyle.

Things You'll Need:

Silk blouse





Sleeveless dress



Pick a silk blouse in a neutral color that will work with many of your wardrobe basics. Cream, dark brown, olive green and black are colors that will go with lots of things.


Find a silk blouse in an unusual shade that will be the highlight of your outfit. A bright green, sapphire blue or deep burgundy will make a strong statement against a simple skirt or pants.


Remember when it comes to silk, fit and quality do make a difference in how you look. Check to make the fabric hangs well and doesn't bunch or pull. Also check the fit through the shoulders to be sure it sits well.


Opt for a classic collar width and other detailing that won't go out of style anytime soon. Keep in mind that you can always update a classy blouse with trendy accessories to make it more modern.


Search for a blouse with high-quality buttons. These can make the blouse look more expensive and more polished. And if you find the right blouse but the buttons don't work, you can always swap them for nicer ones.


Check the front of the blouse to be sure it doesn't gap at the buttons. No matter how expensive an item is, if it doesn't fit right, it won't do your figure justice.


Wear a smooth, supportive bra when you try on blouses so you can get a true picture of how the blouse will fit.


Try on a blouse partway open with a camisole peaking out underneath for a modern effect.


Transform a simple blouse by adding a sleeveless dress over it. This is an easy way to completely change the look of both items.


Pick a blouse that looks good both open and also closed, to get the most for your money. A blouse tucked in with a vest over it will look great for work, or wear it open over a t-shirt and it will quickly become nice weekend wear.

Tips & Warnings

You can update a classic silk blouse by wearing it with a trendy jacket or high-waisted pants to make it look very "now."

Accessorize your blouse with scarves, a chunky short necklace or long layered necklaces.

Get the most out of your silk blouse by dressing it down with casual jeans and dressing it up with a long, velvet skirt.

Don't forget to read the label for care instructions. Some silk blouses can be hand-washed, while others recommend dry cleaning only.

Be careful if you iron your silk blouse, as this delicate fabric can be ruined easily.

How to Pick a Sheer Blouse

How to Pick a Sheer Blouse

A sheer blouse can be a great item to have in your closet. You can pair it with different things to completely change your look, and you can make it work for all sorts of occasions. Here are some things to keep in mind when you hit the stores to pick a sheer blouse that will work for you in a variety of situations.

Things You'll Need:

Sheer blouse


Tank top

Smooth nude bra

Black lace bra


Three-way mirror


Pick a good quality sheer blouse that won't snag or pull the first time you wear it. Check the fabric carefully in the store to be sure it is unmarred. Try pulling a piece of the fabric tight to see how fine the weave is and how well it will wear once it's off the hanger and on you.


Look for a well-fitting blouse. You want to be sure there isn't too much sheer fabric hanging from your arms or mid-section. This will look sloppy rather than sexy.


Find sheer blouses in darker colors, such as brown, blue or black, which will give enough coverage to wear them during the day as well as at night. Patterns also work well in sheer blouses.


Try a sheer blouse with a smooth nude bra underneath for a natural effect. Just be sure the fabric isn't so sheer that more than you intended is showing through. You want to give a hint of what's underneath without baring it all for the world.


Slip a black sheer blouse over a lacy black bra for a nighttime look. This will look very classy if you do it right.


Wear a nude camisole or a tank top underneath a light-colored sheer blouse to make it appropriate to wear during the day.


Top a sheer blouse with a vest so you can wear it to work. This is an easy way to change the look.


Check a sheer blouse in a three-way mirror with good lighting so you can make sure the blouse looks good and not tacky. The sexiest sheer tops just give a hint of what's underneath, but don't reveal it all.

Tips & Warnings

Follow the care instructions on the blouse for washing and hanging this delicate item.

Remove jewelry before putting on a sheer blouse, as many pieces can easily snag and pull if you aren't careful.

Avoid wearing a white bra under a sheer top. In many cases, this can look cheap.

How to Pick a Sexy Snow Jacket

How to Pick a Sexy Snow Jacket

Gliding down the slopes on skis and a snowboard or sipping a warm beverage in a lodge are all typical of snow
. Part of the fun of the cold weather is wearing a warm, cozy jacket. Even if you don't participate in the sports, you can find one that looks like you compete and is sexy.


Be fashionable. Follow the current trends by asking about the styles at specialty ski stores.


Check out the various websites that review the top-selling outwear. This will give you an idea of what others are buying and help narrow your selection.


Pick the right materials. Choose a tighter-fitting one with such materials as spandex. This material will hug your shape and keep you warm. Also, consider a lighter-weight material so you don't look bulky.


Decide which style you want. Timeless styles include simple and elegant lines. A jacket with some faux-fur trim can send the right message.


Choose your color. Red is always an excellent choice to show confidence. Wearing black can visually slim your figure and makes you look sleek. Pink is a feminine color that can suggest innocence.


Realize that the trendy clothes will typically come with a high price tag. They will cost more than the older, less-fashionable snow jackets.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure you consider the clothing under the jacket, so when you take the jacket off indoors, you will still look sexy.

Don't forget about your makeup. Red lipstick can complete your look.

How to Pick a Sapphire

How to Pick a Sapphire

Are you in the market for a sapphire? Here's a guide to help you choose the best sapphire for your money.


Decide how much money you want to spend. Next, decide whether size (carats) is the most important factor, or if you would rather have a smaller stone with better color and clarity. If you want both clarity and large size and don't have a huge budget, consider getting a man-made sapphire


Pick the shape of sapphire you want. There are seven basic shapes and a wide range of variations on those shapes produced by gem-cutters in countries like Thailand and Sri Lanka. Star sapphires are cut into cabochons, which are ovals with rounded tops.


Search the Internet for on-line sellers of sapphires. Within the size range you have selected, the price of sapphires increases with greater clarity and more intense color. Look for a combination of the best color and clarity in your price range. It may help to visit local jewelry stores to familiarize yourself with color and clarity of sapphires in person, and on your hand.


Eliminate sapphires from your final selection that have irregularly-shaped or unevenly-sized facets, surface flaws, poor symmetry or poor polish. Finding a sapphire with an excellent cut can be challenging. Purchase your favorite choice of emeralds from a reputable Internet dealer or from a local jeweler.

Tips & Warnings

Sapphire is a variety of the mineral corundum, with a hardness of 9.0 and a density of around 4.0.

Sapphires with reasonably good transparency and clarity are relatively abundant, compared to rubies and emeralds. Keep looking if you can't find sapphires with good clarity at a reasonable price.

There is not an established grading system for the clarity of sapphires, but many vendors have started using the diamond grading system which ranges from I3 (heavily included) to IF (internally flawless).

Sapphires come in a very wide range of colors, ranging from black to brown, pink and colorless. Pink shades of sapphire grade into the color range of ruby, which is also a variety of the mineral corundum.

Sapphire is the birthstone for the month of September.

Most sapphires are cut overseas by low-wage workers, and the quality of cut and polish may be less than optimal. Avoid sapphires with unusual cuts, irregular facets or poor polish.

How to Pick a Sapphire Birthstone

How to Pick a Sapphire Birthstone

A birthstone is a gem cut from a source mineral, and in the case of the sapphire, that mineral is corundum. Of the rainbow of colors manifested by corundum, blue is most popular and best known as a sapphire. Once the gem of royalty, the blue sapphire is now the birthstone for September birthdays. Along with its red sister, the ruby, it is still one of the most expensive colored gemstones.

Things You'll Need:

Synthetic and natural light (both low and intense varieties)

Reputable dealer


Documentation of authenticity

View Sapphire Color


View a wide variety of sapphires from different dealers to get an idea of available colors and color intensities. Make a note of your preferences.


View blue birthstone sapphires for their "tone," or degree of lightness or darkness, in various lighting conditions.

Select a Sapphire Clarity and Cut


Assess the clarity of a sapphire. Pick one with the least brown or gray intrusion into the true blue hue.


Ask the dealer whether the sapphire birthstone you want has been enhanced. This heat treatment improves the gem's translucence and often produces a richer color. Natural, unenhanced sapphires, however, are worth more.


Examine the shape of the cut or set sapphire, especially if you will be the wearer, to see how it looks against your skin tone.


View the cut of a sapphire for even brilliance. The gem you pick should sparkle with equal intensity across its whole surface.


Ensure that you purchase the type of sapphire you are looking for, whether fully natural, somewhat enhanced or synthetic. A respected dealer, such as one listed with the American Gem Society, will be the best source for a quality, fair trade (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Color "hue," or intensity, is a main determinant of sapphire value.

Pick a sapphire as a gift for a fifth or forty-fifth wedding anniversary.

Sapphires can be cut into a "star" pattern, which creates a lighter, contrasting four- to six-armed star in the center of the stone. The famous Star of India is the largest of this style, at 563 carats.

To the untrained eye, a blue sapphire is easily confused with a blue topaz, which is usually less valuable. Always consult a respected dealer and a certified appraiser about high-quality collector's gems.

Some very dark blue sapphires can lose their reflective qualities in low light and appear black. You might want to pass on these particular stones.