How to Pick a Swimsuit Online

How to Pick a Swimsuit Online

Trying on swimsuits in a store dressing room isn't much fun, especially at the beginning of


season when you're as white as a ghost. So, try this great technique for swimsuit shopping and let the store come to you.


Choose stores that have online shopping and a great return policy.


Find a good guide to buying a swimsuit. Some store websites have suggested fits for different body types.


Decide what colors and styles best fit your body and begin to look through the selections.


Purchase several different swimsuits that you would like to try on from at least five different online stores.


Wait until each package comes in the mail.


Take all the swimsuits you've chosen into your room and begin your own swimsuit fashion show. Ask a friend or spouse to give you an honest opinion as you go. Don't do this alone because you might not give yourself a true answer.


Decide which one or two swim suits you like the best and return the rest. Some catalogue only stores now offer in-store returns. For example, Land's End accepts returns at all Sears stores.

Tips & Warnings

Keep underwear on while trying on swimsuits. Take care not to remove the panel in the crotch.

Be honest about what you look good in. Make sure you buy enough of a swim suit to cover yourself and still be flattering.

Double check all the stores' return policies before making any purchases. You don't want 50 swim suits you can't wear, don't like and can't return.